
Schaeffer House

190 Fitzroy Street, Grafton

OPEN HOURS:  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sundays from 1pm to 4pm. The Research Room is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 9am until 3pm, or outside of business hours please leave a message on our Google Business Page or on our facebook page "facebook/groups/schaefferhouse".

 You can contact us by phone (02) 6642 5212 Tue to Thur between 9:00am and 3pm, by email at or leave a message on our facebook page at "facebook/schaefferhouse". To complete an email request for research click on the link here: RESEARCH ENQUIRIES. For book sales you can view the books we have for sale by clicking on the link here: PUBLICATIONS.

RESEARCH ROOM OPEN 9:00am to 3:00pm Tues/Wed and Thursdays  


� Clarence River Historical Society Inc. PO Box 396, Grafton, NSW 2460

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